Where did the summer go?

Wow it is hard to believe that the summer is almost over.  I’m not gonna lie, I’m kind of excited for fall to come!  When I was young and care free I loved the summer… laying on the beach all day, sitting on a patio for dinner, partying at night… but now with kids I just find it so hectic.  I play baseball, my husband plays baseball, D plays soccer, and both kids have swimming lessons.  So it seems like we are running somewhere every night of the week.  I look forward to hibernating! I’m a bit of a nerd and am happiest when I’m at home!
So since I didn’t really blog through the summer about what I was doing, I thought what better way to sum up the summer than pictures from my Blackberry…

First DQ of the season
Heading over to my girlfriends birthday party, wagons come in handy!
The boys playing at the beach infront of my dream house!

Camping at NaNa and PaPa’s trailer.

The boys helping clean up the yard after a bad storm we had.

M enjoying some fish and chips (but mostly tartar sauce) for Daddy’s birthday dinner
Tuckered out!

Helping Uncle B cheer on “the Bostons” during the Stanley Cup final

Roughing it in NaNa and PaPa’s trailer

Blue Jays game

Thanks for the new hats Uncle B!!!

Beach again

Enjoying the beach on my birthday

Moving playhouse from neighbours yard to ours. This was Plan A…FAIL!
Plan B…FAIL!
Plan C…SUCCESS!  Two days, almost claiming a life, and one less roof later… we got it in!!! Now to fix it up!
Back catcher!

I wear my sunglasses…

Someone’s getting their hair buzzed…

Someone was too scared to…

but let Mommy do it eventually

My boys!!

Like I didn’t make a puff paint shirt for the NKOTBSB concert!

Still love Jordan Knight!!!

A cool baseball chair I saw at Homesense

Beautiful sunset at the harbour

A couple of horse asses

M waiting for D to finish his swimming lesson

My business

This is how we party in Bruce County

Me being silly

Photo Shoot haha!

Anyways sorry for bombarding you with pictures!!
