I think I found the recipe!!  There was a wonderful restaurant in my town called Grosvenors, my favourite appetizer there was chicken raviolli with an orange cream sauce.  The restaurant has been closed for a few years now, and I was so bummed to never eat this appetizer again.  Last night I decided to try and guess at the recipe.  I was cooking chicken and pasta, so I thought this sauce would be great.  I did not measure anything but the sauce consisted: cream, prepared pesto, olive oil, parmasean cheese, and orange juice.  It tastes almost exactly right!!! I was so excited, too excited to eat it that I didn’t take a picture 🙁  The only thing I would’ve added, but didn’t have any, is asiago cheese.  And one of my favourite side dishes, grape tomatoes roasted in olive oil, thyme, and basil, with goat cheese on top.  mmmm yummy!!! Next time I will try to take a picture!

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