I have always been a pretty nervous driver, especially at night.  Last night I was driving home from my in-laws, by myself, in my husbands car.  I came up the biggest DEAD racoon I have ever seen, my quick reaction was to swerve (I thought I would wreck the car if I hit it).  BIG MISTAKE!!!! I completely lost control of the car and finally hit the ditch on the opposite side of the road. It had to be the scariest thing I have ever experienced in my whole life.  I told my husband I would rather give birth to M (my 10lb11oz bundle of joy) again 10 more times then to ever go through that again!!!
We’re not sure yet how the car is…

This is how I faired out…
I got a cut on my head from hitting it on the steering wheel, a burn on my neck from my seatbelt, a little bruise on my knee, and my neck is a little sore and stiff. Thank god I had my seatbelt on (I always have it on) because who knows how things may have turned out.
I think my ego took the worst of it.  I’m definately a lot stronger physically than I am emotionally.  Don’t forget, things can change with a split second decision, so always hug the people you love, and tell them you love them!!

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