party was a success!!!

As I mentioned in my previous post, I was going to be hosting my Grand Opening Tupperware party.  It was great!!!  I don’t usually host parties, because people don’t tend to come 🙁  But my open house was a success.  There were 13 people here!! I am so excited to start this new adventure,  I’m not in it for the money, just for the Tupperware and it will give me something to make me feel like an adult.  At my party I booked 3 parties and I received lots of FREE Tupperware!!! I have my first party next Saturday, I’m going to be so nervous.  At my party my Director was there and she made it look so easy!! I definately need to get my confidence up!!

This coming weekend I am going to a Scrapbooking weekend!! I am so very excited!!  I probably haven’t scrapbooked since before D was born, so I am way behind.  One of the ladies I scrapbook with planned this weekend, it is at one of the local hotels.  There is a boardroom where we will be scrapbooking and we also have access to the hot tub and pool.  All for only $50 for the 2 nights!! I can’t wait! So this week it is my mission to get my scrapbooking stuff organized so I know exactly what I will be working on, rather than sitting there the whole weekend looking through my pictures not knowing where to start.  I still have yet to finish my 2006 book (which means I also have 2007, 2008, 2009).  So I will bring that one and D’s scrapbook.

I feel like posts are boring without pictures…but I don’t have any sorry!