operation: organization

So I moved at the beginning of November…and then 2 weeks later my husband and I went to Mexico for a week…and then a month later it was Christmas…and then 2 weeks later (this week) it was my son’s 2nd birthday.   So I have been a busy lady!! So my house has been suffering, I have yet to get everything unpacked and in its place.  I start unpacking things, and then we have people over for a gathering, and it all gets shoved back away.  I am having D’s birthday party on Sunday, so after that I will be on operation: organization. 

Problem: out of control pantry
Solution: I just became a Tupperware Consultant so now I can fill my pantry full of it!
Problem: crazy craft room
Solution: I really need to make a trip to Ikea.  This EXPEDIT shelving unit is all I need to finish it.
Problem: too many toys room
Solution: This TROFAST shelving unit from Ikea would do the trick!
I look forward to having my house organized, once and for all!!! We’ll see when that happens!

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