August was a blur…
There have been lots of changes in my life… some good, some bad.
The only bad one I will mention is on August 24, 2013 my whole world turned upside down.  My biggest inspiration, my precious NaNa, passed away.  It was very sudden so I think I am still in shock, but I find comfort in knowing that she is with her husband (my PaPo) who she has not seen for 32 years. 
And I know that she is always with me, looking over my shoulder.
I got my NaNa’s portrait tattooed on me, as a surprise for her 80th birthday.  I’ll never forget the day I showed her! Her reaction was priceless!! All she could say was “you must really love me!” Well of course I do! Totally worth the 5.5 hour tattoo!!!

I can hear her laugh when I look at this picture!!
My next tattoo is going to be the words “love you more”, something NaNa always said.
It is strange going to NaNa’s house now when she isn’t there, she was always there!! We found this sign at NaNa’s house, no one wanted it, so I claimed it. I felt I needed it because of all the things going on in my life.

And NaNa was also known for having these little notebooks or pieces of paper, where she would write down things she wanted to remember. Like quotes, jokes, birthdays, and favorite songs, etc. I found this quote she wrote on a piece of cardboard. I love it, words to live by!!

So long NaNa, love you more!! xoxoxo