I don’t want to wish time away, but I’ll be glad when this year is over!! I don’t know if any of you remember “Deep Thoughts by Jack Handy” from Saturday Night Live, but there was this quote he read: “I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it”.  That quote is so true for me right now!!
I rang in the new year on the wrong foot, and haven’t been able to get back to a happy place since.  You know the year is going to be bad when it starts off bad on January 1 (well actually December 31).  Then there is this whole nightmare with my dad, who has recently had his bone marrow transplant (I’ll blog about that another day).  This August we discovered a leaky basement disaster, which has left us with our basement almost completed gutted, and while dealing with that discovered other problems with our house (I’ll also blog about that in more detail another day).  I feel like my whole world is crumbling, so when minor things happen I over-react and get like inconsolably upset. 
I’m lost, I haven’t done any of the things I enjoy and that make me happy, like decorating and crafting and what not.  I need to snap out of it, I’m sick of this!!!  Sorry for the major Debbie Downer post, but I just had to get that off my chest.  And if there are any readers out there that thought I was M.I.A, I just wanted to say I’m back!! And I’m ready to start getting excited to make things again!!  And excited to blog again! Because I think this is my happy place!!!

One thought on “lost puppy…

  1. Maxine you make me want to walk up the street & give you a big hug. I think if I did you would definitely think I was a weird stalker neighbour. I will just send a virtual one for now. Girls night out??? Thursday night is knit night in OS. There are 4 of us crazy knitters heading over if you would like to join us. The more the merrier. Let me know if you would like to join us. (Carla one of you other neighbours wil be there)

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