long hair envy…

So I do this all of the time but I did it again… I always grow my hair out long and then get bored with it and then cut it off.  And then regret cutting it off and grow it out again, the cycle goes on and on.  This time I was talking about cutting my hair off my cousin was firm in telling me NO.  I should’ve listened to her because she only said NO because she knows me and that I would totally regret it like I do everytime.  My aunt is the one who cuts my hair, and she even tried to talk me out of it, because she knows too, that I will hate it.  But I insisted so she cut it and then I even went back two weeks later and asked her to cut it even shorter.  But here I am, again, wishing I hadn’t cut it all off at the end of December.  It is at an ugly awkward stage right now so I resort to the mini ponytail everyday.  One of my cousins is getting married this Saturday, and I have my outfit all picked out but have no clue what to do with my hair.
Here is me with long hair…
To have the money the stars have, to just get extensions put in when you want them.  Jessica Alba had my same haircut in February…
And now her hair looks like this…
Anyways just a little vent session,
Bye for now!