I mentioned earlier that my husband was going to take parental leave for 7 weeks… well we are on our last week.  I’m going to be so sad next Monday when he has to go to work, it’s been so nice having him home!!  I was trying to get a few projects done from the To Do list.  One and the major ones was painting our kitchen cupboards.  This is what the cupboards used to look like…

And here’s what the kitchen looks like now!!
Much better!! It is so much brighter!  I love it, we just need to figure something out with the floor. I didn’t take a picture of my pantry because I am still painting the door. 
Another thing that just happened is my baby boy turned ONE!!!  It is so crazy!! Why do our lives have to fly by so fast?? So we had a party here, 16 kids in total plus their parents.  It was a zoo in here!!  I chose to do a Dr. Seuss theme because I love his books so much!! When the boys are older they can tell me what theme they want.  Here are a few pictures from the party.
The Birthday Boy (Thing 1)
Thing 2
Green eggs and ham cake… M was in such a good mood all day, and then at the beginning of his party he got trampled by the older kids and split his lip.  So he wanted to eat the cake but everytime he touched his lip with it, he would cry. 
I wish I got more pictures of the party but it was so crazy here, and hours before the party we were still painting our kitchen.
That’s all for now I have to go paint my front door!!

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