I LOVE www.forever21.com…

Well, I love http://www.canada.forever21.com/ !!  Since I am a Stay At Home Mom, I don’t always get the chance to get out shopping, and I also don’t have tons of money to shop either.
I came across Forever 21’s website and found out that they ship to Canada!!! This is pretty much where I buy all of my clothes now.  I love their clothes, and they are so affordable!!
Here are a few things on their website right now that I want…
Leatherette Jacket

Distressed Leatherette Cowgirl Boots

Leopard Purse



Just a few things…  I would like to find more websites like this, since I don’t get out much to do any shopping.
And in other news… 5 MORE SLEEPS AND SANTA COMES!!!  I’m getting so excited!!!

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