I LOVE my Mom cave!!!

Slowly I am getting my cave put together.  I love it!!  I love that is it right outside the dining room, so when the boys eat their breakfast I can quickly run out and sew something.
My house always seems to have clutter around, it is hard to keep up when there are 4 people and a dog making messes and one person cleaning them up.  But my cave is a place for me to escape from that, when this house is finally all in order, I can’t wait to spend my free time (if any) in my cave!

This room used to be the previous owners Solarium, but I think it makes the perfect mom cave!

(click on the pictures if you want to see them bigger)

Slowly getting things organized and pictures hung.

My “vision board” is slowly coming together.  And yes, that is a picture of my boyfriend Wentworth Miller on it!

Some furniture needed to be moved around for the 9′ Christmas tree.

A sneak peek of my Christmas tree, I will post later this week about all of the Christmas decorations.

What would a mom cave be without a hair and makeup station, haha.  While the monsters boys are eating their breakfast I get ready for my day here.

Thanks for coming on a tour of my cave! Now get out!! haha because it is just MY cave!!  No one allowed but me here!

Bye for now!! It’s “catch up day” around this house. Yipee!!