Hello there I just wanted to show you my pantry door, which is now finished!! I originally wanted to go with this idea with the screen door, but my pantry door is very small so I priced one out to be custom made and it was going to be $160.  A little pricey I thought for a pantry door!! 

I liked the idea of the screen, and look at the handle…it is a fork how cute??  But I decided to make do with what I had, so I shuffled around closet doors in the house and ended up with this idea.  Of course I don’t have a before picture, but I have a sort of before picture.
Sorry for the terrible photography, this closet door was just wood and it was at the end of our hallway.  So I painted it red, and then…
I painted the glass with chalkboard paint!! I love it!! I currently have our house TO DO list written on it. And look!!
I found a spoon shaped handle!!
I am loving my new kitchen!! I do spend a lot more time in there now, because it makes me happy!!  The next step to this house is get a routine going.  If you didn’t already know I’m a stay at home mom of 2 little monsters (I mean boys). One, two year old and one, one year old.  So needless to say my house gets pretty chaotic.  I always feel like I can’t keep up.  So my goal is to be more organized and have a scheduled routine.  I found this website http://www.flylady.net/. It has a wonderful system for getting your house duties under control.  They help you through the steps to making your own plan.  I spent a few hours last night putting my “Control Journal” together.  Here it is…
I know, I know I should take photography lesson.  I do really want to sometime!! Anyways, hopefully I can follow this plan to keep my house in order!  When you go to the home page it says “are you living in CHAOS (Can’t Have Anyone Over Syndrome)?”  I love it, my answer to that is yes, most days.  We don’t have many people just drop by the house, but when someone does I panic a little.  Oh no, they’re gonna see that my house isn’t perfectly clean like it usually is when we have planned parties at our house.  Anyways I’ll leave you with something else that makes me happy… (and yes, again with the terrible picture taking)
Flowers!!! These tulips are from my garden.  This is our third house that we’ve owned and I have always wanted tulips.  And now I have some!!! The majority of our front lawn is garden here, I will share a picture someday when it is nice enough out to take one.
Bye for now!!

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