Well on Saturday July 7, I turned 30.  Yikes!  I was pretty sad about it, because I don’t like getting older. I feel like I see more fine lines on my face everytime I look in the mirror.  It’s mostly just in my head.
So, since I was turning 30 and my Birthday fell on a Saturday, naturally, I wanted to party it up!  But, unfortunately most of my friends were all going to the same wedding together.
I was a little bummed out when I woke up Saturday morning.  My husband packed the boys up in the van and took them to get “Mommy’s surprise for her Birthday”.  I was folding laundry when he called and told me to come out to the driveway. Okay??? And then this pulled in!!!!!!!
He got me my dream vehicle, a Ford F-150!!  Ever since I got my drivers licence I wanted one, it is what my Dad had and what I learned to drive on.  I always said that if I ever won the lottery, I wouldn’t buy an expensive luxury vehicle, I would buy myself a Ford F-150.  No more minivan for this Momma!!
One of my best girlfriends (who also wasn’t going to the wedding), called and said to be ready for 2pm she was coming to pick me up.  And when she arrived she had this on her Jeep for me…
I love her!!!! Then she took me to a patio for some drinks, and then we stopped in at another girlfriends house, to “see what she was up to”.  And they surprised me with a little surprise party!!
I loved it!!! Happy Birthday to me!!
It was a great night!! Thanks to this pretty lady…
30 ain’t so bad after all!!!