Craving some “ME” time…

Last night I had a spa night, it was wonderful!  Since we are a one income family I don’t have the luxury of going out to a spa,  so I had a spa night, at home, with my favourite Aesthetician, Maxine (me) haha.  I had some PVR’d shows to catch up on.  So it was just me, my tootsies and One Tree Hill.  It was nice to get my waxing done and have a manicure and pedicure.  But then the reality of being a Momma hit me this morning, while I was trying to get ready to go for a playdate. Trying to get dressed while two monsters are jumping on my bed and pulling things out of my drawers and closet.  And then doing my hair and makeup in the bathroom while trying to convince M that we do not put the potty seat in our mouths!  I just want to feel pretty again!!

I am one tired Momma…
…but at least I have smooth legs and my nails look good!!
This morning, as I left my house frazzled, I decided that maybe I need to get up before the kids in the morning.  I could enjoy my coffee in the quiet, catch up on my blog reading haha, and get myself ready for the day before the monsters wake up.
Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t trade being a Mom for anything in the world!! But I think I maybe just need some “me” time, sometimes!!

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