My husband called me from work on Monday to let me know that he will be taking parental leave.  I was so happy!! We had been talking about it, but finally he decided to do it.  Before I was pregnant with my first, I had my own Aesthetics salon.  I was self-employed, which means, no maternity pay for me.  I am so frustrated with the government, sure I owned my own business for a few years but what happens to all the EI I paid for 10 years.  I’ve had a job since I was 14 and was paying into it, so I think the government should cut me a cheque for all of that money.  Anyways, this is why my husband and I decided he should take parental leave.  The company that he works for will top up his pay for 7 weeks!!  So we thought we should take advantage of it, especially since we are done having kids.  I am so excited to have him home for 7 weeks!!  As I have mentioned before, we moved to this house in November.  And I still have yet to get everything organized!!  On top of still trying to unpack our house, I have all of the day to day stuff to deal with too, not to mention 2 little boys to raise.  So I am so excited to finally get everything organized, especially before the nicer weather comes!  Because who wants to be inside when the sun is shining outside?

I came across this craft room from the lovely Heather Bailey
 Isn’t it so beautiful??  I have decided that my craft room is for sure going to be pink, I live with 3 boys so this will be my girly room.
One project I definately want to finish while my husband is home is to paint our kitchen cabinets. This is what they look like
I have taken the handles off since this picture and I think it made a big difference already
I am going to paint the cupboards white, and I will paint the wall tile for now also I think I may do a grey on the walls.  I really like this kitchen, I found in my travels online
I like the white cupboards with the black knobs
Anyways have a wonderful day!!

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