Please don’t stop the music

So I’m going to see Rihanna tomorrow night with 7 of my girlfriends, and I’m soo excited!!  Mostly just to get away for a night with no responsibilities!! Tonight will be spent trying everything in my closet on!  Since I was preggers for pretty much 2 whole years, it meant I was wearing maternity clothes for 2 whole years.  So there wasn’t a lot of shopping going on, which means, I have no clothes!!  Things are starting to get too big for me, and after being pregnant for 2 years I refuse to wear anything that isn’t the least bit flattering.  I really want to get into refashioning, and have learned now to not give my clothes away.  But now I just have a pile that I don’t know what to do with. 
I made this clutch yesterday…
I fell in love with this fabric on Etsy a year or so ago, so I bought a yard with no plans of what to do with it.  And then I came across this tutorial for the clutch.  I love this fabric so much, I am saving the rest to make a Kindle case out of it.  I don’t own a Kindle yet but have been obsessing about getting one!!  Is is weird that I want to make a case for something I don’t have yet? (So what who cares?!) Anyways that is all, now I have to go find a black dress to wear with my new clutch.  Does anyone else pick their accessories before their outfit?
♪♫I got a hole in my head
A hole in my head
Sometimes I get crazy and
I ain’t scared of nobody
Don’t look at me funny
Like you ain’t hear what I said
I gotta hole in my head
Ay ay ay I gotta hole in my head…♫♪

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