Hello is anybody out there???

Wow what have I been up to? Not blogging thats for sure!  Not that anyone is reading anyways… or are you reading this right now?  If so please leave a comment just to say hello even, please please!  This blog is mostly for me anyways, a place to keep memories and inspiration.  But it would be nice to know that there is someone else out there reading.
I have been busy but not up to too much at the same time.  Does that make sense?? What I mean is, I haven’t been working on much around the house, because we have been busy with other things… baseball tournaments, stag and does, kids birthday parties and such.  Everyone is getting bummed out that summer is over, but I’m secretly happy (shh don’t tell), because I can maybe get back into a daily routine.  I look forward to getting back into cooking meals.  In the summer we just throw meals together or get take out, since we always seem to be running somewhere.  And the heat, oh the heat, it has been so hot and sticky.  In our last house we had central air, that is probably the only thing I miss about the old house.  I can’t wait to go on long walks again, I try to do 7km everyday but some days when it is so hot I find that I just try to find short cuts to get back home faster.
I leave you with some family pictures we had taken by a friend, who is wanting to get into photography.  I think she did a fabulous job, we only had trouble getting D to want to sit for pictures.
What do you think?? I love them, candid pictures are more natural anyways!

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