I am getting way too excited to decorate for Christmas.  I usually decorate and put the tree up December 1, but I just can’t wait.  Christmas is my favourite time of year!!  I have noticed on my Facebook that many people have been posting this as their status:
NO Christmas lights till Nov 12 in respect for our Veterans. Please spread the word. Lets NOT let Christmas consumerism overshadow Remembrance day on Nov 11th **Please re post**
I agree with this fully, but I won’t mind seeing everyone’s Christmas lights up November 12. hehe
Here is a picture of my PaPo who was a paratrooper in the war…

I never met him, as he passed away a year before I was born.  But I was lucky enough to be named after him, and I named my youngest son after him.
And now for some Christmas decorating inspiration…

Trendy Tree


I am loving the mix of pink, blue, green and red for Christmas decor.  I said I would never be one of those Moms that have to have a “nice” Christmas tree and then a seperate one for the kids to decorate.  But our artificial tree is a 9 footer and the only room it fits in is my mom cave.  So I have decided that I will decorate this one with pretty, girly decorations and then I will have a second tree downstairs for all of the other decorations.  We spent most of our time downstairs anyways, that is where our woodstove is, and also the kids toy room is down there.  I guess I’ll have to get out and buy more decorations!!!

and remeber…
on November 11

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