31 Days to an Organized Home: Days 7-10

Well it happened, I skipped a few days.  I’d be lying if I said I’m surprised.  We just had Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada.  So I’ve been a busy lady… and not at home.

The weather was beautiful here these last couple of days!!  Friday night I went out with some of my girlfriends, and we decided to bike to the bar.  I had to borrow a bike because I only have a boring mountain bike, haha.   I had a blast!

It inspired me to start fixing up the old cruiser bike I have in my garage.  So I’m kinda organizing by starting some of the projects that are junking up the garage.

Today I took the bike apart so that I could start to clean it.  I kept all of the screws and bolts in ziploc bags and labelled them so I know what they are for when I put it back together.

I painted a piece because I was getting excited and wanted to see what this colour would look like.

Chain guard before…

Chain guard now…

It is watermelon pink!!  I’m still not sure if I’m painting the whole bike this colour, but the chain guard is staying this colour.  I was debating whether I should just get “CCM Imperial MARK II” put back on but I think I am going to get “Maximum” and dot the i with the same crown that is used in Imperial.
I’m going to be working on this bike all week now, I’m so excited about it!!   The only part this bike needs to function is a new front tube and tire.  I know I definately want to get new whitewall tires.