Choose Happiness…

I’ve had a few people comment that I haven’t posted in a while… Yes it has been a while, but to be honest I didn’t have anything happy or positive to write about.  I hadn’t done any house projects, no craft projects, nothing.
I was hoping to go into 2012 with a more happy and positive attitude, but it didn’t start off like that at all.  I was quite a Negative Nancy, but now I’ve decided to just be happy all the time.  It makes life so much easier!!!  I watched The Secret again,  and I’ve been choosing to be happy.
Because it really is a choice, everything we do in life is a choice.  I can choose to wake up in the morning and be miserable, or I can choose to be happy…
I choose happy!!!!
I leave you with a picture of the thing(s) that makes me the happpiest…