Peacock blue and some shabby chic

I recently made a few changes in the house, it’s amazing how happy you feel once you accomplish something.  We bought a new couch, and got rid of this gross, brown couch…
And I’ve also come to terms with the fact that we are going to have to live with the kitchen and wall the way it is for now, so I painted it and hung pictures.  Looks a lot nicer and pulled together now.
Not a great picture of the couch but is a black leather sofa bed, sectional, with a square leather ottoman. So comfy and now we can all comfortably sit on the couch at the same time!!
I had also taken the boys toy room away from them since they refused to clean it up. They wouldn’t even play in there since it was so messy.  I will take a picture of their new toy area once I paint it, but here is their old toy room…
It looks tidy because I cleaned it up to take this picture, trust me it was a dump!!!  Here is the former toy room now…my hobby room
I love it!!! Even though its in the basement, it is so bright in there!!!  Shabby chic!!
Beauty stuff on this side, and…
crafty stuff on this side!!!
Next on the project list… paint the family room a liveable colour!!
Random fact of the day:
I love putting dessert (no matter what it is) in my glass cake stand.  It makes me feel fancy!!