I’m an emotional eater, I just am.  I really wish I could be one of those people that doesn’t eat when they are stressed out.  So I have a little extra “fluff” (it just sounds so much better than fat) that I need to take care of.

So I decided I need to do something for ME, and hopefully gain my energy back.  I have the fitness program called INSANITY.  And it is just that, INSANE!!!  The guy who created it (who is also easy on the eyes), Shaun T even thinks so.  After today’s workout which was the Pure Cardio video, Shaun T says “That sh** is bananas yo!” And he says encouraging things like “I’m not trying to hurt you, I’m just trying to make you better.”  And “DIG DEEPER” is another big quote.

Anyways INSANITY is a 60 day program which is supposed to change your body.  It is amazing how after only doing it for just over a week, I feel better. And it does make you want to be better, and make better eating choices. 

Here are a couple snapshots of what I look like after a workout…

That sweat is real y’all
If I look tired, it’s because I am! That Shaun T just whooped my butt!!
That is my INSANITY calender on the right
I don’t look stronger yet, but I definately feel stronger!!
I’m so happy I have started this!! When I’m finished the program, It’ll be just before Christmas! Something to look forward to!!