It’s not cardio…It’s control!!

Well I’m getting used to getting up to do my workout at 6 am again. So now I just have to get into a better eating routine again.  This time of year is so hard, hubby and I both play baseball, and the kids play soccer and t-ball, so pretty much 7 days a week we are running somewhere.  When I did this program back in March, I was eating really well, but now I seem to go for whatever is quick and easy.  Maybe I should blog a day of my eating, hmmm, that might keep me track!! M and I made chocolate chip cookies today, wouldn’t that be embarassing if I had to tell you how many scoops of cookie dough I ate? or how many cookies? Good thing I’m not blogging about it today, haha.
Anyways, Thursdays in Insanity are sort of a “recovery day” they are called “Cardio Recovery”.  But never underestimate the pain of squat pulses.  I didn’t sweat much today but boy, I felt the burn!!

A lovely screenshot for you, as I was exhaling.
I’m worried for tomorrow, Pure Cardio yikes!!!!