My weekend in photos

What a beautiful, busy weekend we had!! Hence why I didn’t take the time to sit down and blog…
So here is my weekend wrapped up, in photos…
Friday morning 6 am Pure Cardio, ugh!!!
Before I started my workout…
And after…
Can you see the fear in my eyes? Pure Cardio totally sucks!!!
D had “wacky tourist day” at school, and M wanted to also participate!
And Friday morning I had a nice visit with my Dad, and then spent the afternoon at the beach!!! Then it was date night!!! It was mine and hubby’s 8 year wedding anniversary on June 18, so my Mom took the kids overnight and we went out to celebrate. Biked to dinner…
And then went for ice cream!
Saturday we spent the whole day in our basement, still trying to clean up after a disaster we had last August (which I still plan to blog about sometime). Purge, purge, purge!!!  Saturday we just watched a movie. This is my watching a movie at home look…
And today (Sunday) we spent the day at the beach, what a beautiful day it was!! And the best thing about spending an entire day at the beach with the kids, is that they go to sleep early. Which means I get Momma time!!  Hubby was at ball, so I relaxed on the deck, enjoyed an adult beverage, painted my nails, and listened to the birds chirp above me.  What a perfect way to end a perfect weekend!!