31 Days to an Organized Home: Day 4

My cousin introduced me to this great family organization program called Cozi.  You can find it online and they also have an app for Blackerry or IPhone.  It is so handy, you can put your family calendar in there and have it color coded for each family member. And you can make To-Do and Shopping lists.  The part I like the best is I can download it on my husbands phone and he will have all the information that I put into it.  He can check the shopping list on the way home from work to see if we need anything.  So cool!
Also I’m not sure if you are familiar with the Fly Lady, but you can also download it so that the cleaning routines show up on your daily calender.  If you haven’t checked out Fly Lady you definately should!!  She helps you clean your house in different zones, so every detail gets done.
Click on the pictures to go to the websites,
Fly Lady
