31 Days to an Organized Home!

One of the blogs that I follow, Nesting Place, is doing a linky party called 31 Days of Change.  I have never joined a link party, and still too nervous too.  So I decided I’m going to try and do this on my own.
So for the 31 days of October, I am going to (try to) blog everyday about the progress of organizing my home.  I am getting fed up with all of the junk we have laying around, I can never have every room in our house tidy and organized at the same time.  So for the month of October I am making it my mission to get this house organized once and for all!!  This will force me to do a little bit everyday since I have promised that I will write about it!!
So I am taking a deep breath, I’m going to enjoy a couple of drinks with some girlfriends tonight, and then I will be diving head first into the junk pile tomorrow!!!  Wish me luck and don’t hesitate to try to cheer me on, haha!!