2 years from today I will be 30!!  I can’t believe I am 28 already!!  I don’t feel 28, well I guess I do most days.  I had a hard time when I turned 27, I thought I would take on this aging process better, but I have to admit, I am having a hard time with it!  I have this super magnifying mirror that I use to tweeze my brows, but it is getting to be a scary sight looking into it.  The fine lines are starting, I’m trying to embrace them, but it’s hard knowing that they are only going to get worse.  One day (while tweezing my brows) I was whining to my husband, asking him if he thinks I looks like an old woman.  He doesn’t see it, which is all that matters, I guess. Here I am today, sans makeup (and I think I look surprisingly awake, despite the lack of sleep, and this crazy humid heat we’ve been having).

Anyways I look forward to this evening going to dinner with the family.  And then celebrating with my girlfriends on Saturday night!

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